Online chess game earn money

Author: DrMih On: 07.06.2017

Does anyone know if there are any sites by which I could play chess professionally and earn money similar to gambling sites or online poker sites?? I highly doubt that there exist one. If it would exist, it would be full of sandbaggers or engine players. There is no way to verify who exactly plays the game. As others have mentioned, there is no genuine site to make real money because it's so easy to cheat online by using chess engines.

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The closest thing to "money" would be "ducats" as allowed on the Playchess server. Playchess has strong algorithms that can detect if you are cheating i.

Ducats can be used to. So, if you're really good and win a lot of ducats, you can earn yourself some nice material from the Chessbase Shop, which includes chess DVDs, magazines, programs, etc. There is this site chesscube. Earning Crowns requires you to participate in their online rapid tournaments. If you use engines then they will be able to catch you.

I am a USCF master and FIDE Master. The most legitimate place to play online chess for money is www.

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VelocityChess is a new professionally run chess website. One of its features allows you to wager "vChips", which you can redeem for cash or cash-equivalent gift cards. Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.

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online chess game earn money

Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Online Sites For Earning Money Through Chess. So even if you are GM, you most probably will lose money. Salvador Dali 1, 1 14 Ducats can be used to play against grandmasters or to pay for private training.

Wes 6, 12 Having a system similar to "ducats" is actually a good idea, since it isn't really motivating for an e.

online chess game earn money

It is way more motivating to win cash. Perhaps one option is to have a site that awards points similar to "ducats" and then the player may "cash out" after anti-cheating algorithms have been run to analyze their games? RauanSagit that sounds plausible. But I suspect that if you give people cash, smart cheaters can always cheat smart enough to fool the cheating algorithms like someone once fooled Nigel Short into thinking he was playing Bobby Fischer. RauanSagit this actually turns out as a bad idea.

Chess cube tried something like this and failed desperately. No matter what you can win, people will try to win it. Right now CC is full of sandbaggers and people with rating playing like Any anti-cheating algorithm takes a lot of time to process and do not forget, that you as a verifier has limited amount of servers to run this verification, whereas there are thousands of games needed to be verified.

Also you put trust in verifier and eventually someone will be able to find how to bypass it. SalvadorDali Verification should be possible, as long as every player is verified via their official FIDE card and their "real strength" is known.

As well as access to their real over the board games for future comparison of strength and playing style. Some manual labor will be needed.

To cover the site's expenses, the "house" should keep a certain fraction of the total pot of every game. Should be possible to organize, as long as there are enough interested and serious players. An even more advanced version would be to have a live video feed of both screen and player to verify fair play!

RauanSagit and also microchips inserted in their brains, real passports information and 2 policemen with guns standing besides them ready to shoot them down on cheating.

Jokes apart, what stops me from submitting FIDE card of some Indian GM? Also theoretically the way you described it is possible, in practice no one has done it and most probably there is a reason. Too many cheaters, too strong engines! Earlier, I mentioned finding this site: Rauan Sagit 4, 3 18 But its very tough if you are not a professional: The anti-cheating security against engine-use and sand-bagging there is WORLD CLASS.

Furthermore, you are fully refunded your vChips if your opponent is caught cheating. There's some truly special stuff in there. In fact, the only thing I've seen that's worse is the FIDE Online Arena which requires taking total control of your hardware, at which point you can say goodbye to any confidential or private data, like, say, financial records.

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