Bull stock market apush

Author: ivanpoet On: 27.05.2017

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What is your email? Upgrade to remove ads. A period of increased stock trading and rising stock prices. October 29, ; date of the worst stock-market crash in American history and beginning of the Great Depression. HH , starting with collapse of the US stock market in , period of worldwide economic stagnation and depression.

Heavy borrowing by European nations from USA during WW1 contributed to instability in European economies. Sharp declines in income and production as buying and selling slowed down. Widespread unemployment, countries raised tariffs to protect their industries.

America stopped investing in Europe. Lead to loss of confidence that economies were self adjusting, HH was blamed for it. Hoovers response to the Depression.

Passed in January , this measure loaned billions money to banks and insurance companies and RRs. Group of WWI vets. A series of reforms enacted by the Franklin Roosevelt administration between and with the goal of ending the Great Depression. The informal radio conversations Roosevelt had with the people to keep spirits up.

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It was a means of communicating with the people on how he would take on the depression. A government legislation passed during the depression that dealt with the bank problem.

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The act allowed a plan which would close down insolvent banks and reorganize and reopen those banks strong enough to survive. Period of time when Napoleon returned to France a year after his exile to Elba and restored himself as emperor for a few months.

He was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. It was Relief that provided work for young men years old in food control, planting, flood work, etc. Created the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, led by Harry L.

Gave money to the states to dole payments and for wages in work projects. Tennessee Valley Authority Act Relief, Recover, and Reform.

Created NRA to enforce codes of fair competition, minimum wages, and to permit collective bargaining of workers. Part of Roosevelts New Deal programs. Put people to work building or improving public buildings like schools, post offices,etc. FDR , guaranteed retirement payments for enrolled workers beginning at age 65; set up federal-state system of unemployment insurance and care for dependent mothers and children, the handicapped, and public health.

APUSH Vocab. Flashcards | Quizlet

National Labor Relations Act; outlawed company unions and other unfair labor practices in order to insure collective bargaining for unions. Fair Labor Standards Act, established minimum wages, and maximum hours for all businesses engaged in interstate commerce.

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Congress of Industrial Organizations. Region of the Great Plains that experienced a drought in lasting for a decade, leaving many farmers without work or substantial wages. A particular preference or point of view that is personal, rather than scientific.

A deep desire to record and communicate the experience of ordinary Americans. American style of jazz music originating in the 's. Attempt by Roosevelt to appoint one new Supreme Court justice for every sitting justice over the age of 70 who had been there for at least 10 years. Wanted to prevent justices from dismantling the new deal. Plan died in congress and made opponents of New Deal inflamed. FDR's Wife and New Deal supporter. Was a great supporter of civil rights and opposed the Jim Crow laws.

She also worked for birth control and better conditions for working women. Economic downturn in which happened when FDR tried to reduce government spending on relief and job programs.

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