Hourly currency rates

Author: dashingSEO On: 06.07.2017
Predicting the Forex Markets Hourly Urban Forex

The data should look back several months. Unfortunately I have been unable to find a source providing this data, even paid services. If anyone could suggest a source that does provide hourly information, that'd be highly appreciated.

Open Exchange Rates

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hourly currency rates

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Canadian Dollar Trends: US Dollar vs Canadian Dollar Charts & more: EUR,USD, GBP, AUD, INR

Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to hourly currency rates top. Tal Fishman 2, 7 Are you sure they provide hourly ratios? I looked at them and could only find daily values.

Tom I remember that one of them provides hourly data, don't remember which. You may have to do some digging, but I am confident this data can be found.

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hourly currency rates

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